Councillor Details

Southborough Town Councillor and their contact details can be found at :- Southborough Town Council (Your Councillor Details)

Clerk of Southborough Town Council :-  (Note - the Council has moved to an attic in the Borough Town Hall to allow de

Southborough Civic Centre

Council Offices

137 London Road

Southborough  TN4

TEL: 01892 529176

FAX: 01892 541402

Key Councillor Details

Councillor details - Councillor John Francis - Tunbridge Wells Borough Council

Councillor Dianne Hill

24 Colebrook Road, High Brooms, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN4 9BS

Telephone :-  01892 541476               email:-

Councillor Alain Lewis

25 Holden Park Road, Southborough, Tunbridge Wells 

Telephone :-  07736 529170               email:-

Councillor Peter Oakford

Topsy Turvy, Pennington Road, Southborough, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN4 0SX

Telephone :- 01892 546334                email:-